In the pursuit of brevity this must be a shallow introduction to the issues with ZOOMING.
The first thing to say about any ZOOM conference is that it is not really what it seems to be. It appears to be a virtual replication of a meeting at your local coffee shop. However. The big difference is that any coffee shop meeting has three dimensions to it thus it engages all your senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. The ZOOM meeting has just two dimensions to it thus engages just two of your senses: sight and hearing.
As any oil paint artist will tell you: working in two dimensions while trying to replicate a three dimensional world demands the introduction of perspective, depth, and movement if one is to truly retain the attention of any participant observer. Of course, this particular feat is difficult to achieve if you are viewing a flat screen with inert images on it [see photo].
Sometimes colour and movement can be faked via the input of humour; but, this is not always a good substitute for the many distractions provided in a coffee shop. Sometimes the issues of perspective, and depth, loom large in a ZOOM meeting; but, in many instances this issue can be addressed with storytelling. But few individuals are truly gifted storytellers.
Any regular at a coffee shop meeting will tell you that the noise level in the place is a mood breaker because one can not hear all that well and their actual lip reading skills are poor to average. Equally. Many ZOOM meeting attendees must cope with poor volume control, and even sound drop outs, as they sit attentively through their virtual mash-ups.
ZOOMING technology is in its fledgling phase of development and so it still has a long way to go. But. In all honesty, ZOOMING technology is unlikely to ever truly replace a coffee shop unless or until a three dimensional holograph of each participant is present in your virtual space.
Naturally these holographic images will come with some type of smell and touch.
Back in the real world we all have needs and wants that must be sorted. Go to the homepage of my website for more on this topic.