As an individual you may trust your intuition [gut feeling] when making mundane decisions but that is no longer a viable strategy for most people [see photo]. What happened?
The Internet happened. We expected the Internet to benefit individual freedom, creativity, imagination, growth, and mind changing evolution. What we got was propagation of collectives, government rule by unified Cliques, ideological mind traps, universal "group think", blind loyalty to a global narrative, mandated limits to free speech, and more. In the process those who command our access to the Internet simply stole our unique superpowers such as human intuition.
How can I rely upon my intuition when the Internet tells me that Zelensky is a hero. Much of the content on the Internet assures me that Zelensky is a great leader in 2022. My intuition tells me that Zelesky is the prime reason that the Ukraine is trapped inside a kinetic war which it can not win. My intuition tells me that Zelensky had many opportunities to avoid this conflict if he had withdrawn his demands for entry to the EU and admission to NATO. Today he demands that NATO impose a "no fly zone" over Ukraine [a sure trigger to his nation becoming the new-age killing fields of Europe] and for more weapons. My intuition tells me that Zelensky was always a fraud [elected to remove corruption from Ukraine] and he has failed on that front. My intuition tells me that Zelensky is a puppet of the Elite who run the EU and those who control the USA. My intuition tells me that the propagation of the narrative that Zelensky is the leader of the free world is dangerous to me and my future.
Every issue is complex today if I view it through my trusted intuitional perspectives. My intuition tells me that we live an upside-down world where to continue my life as a strong individual ensures that I will be cast aside by those who seek to "go along to get along". My intuition tells me that if you currently believe that Zelensky is winning the war in Ukraine and that he is the brave warrior who is fighting for your freedom from the oppression of totalitarian regimes then the Internet has stolen your intuition.
I still trust my intuition because I believe that Zelensky is a grifter [a fraud and a fake] and that the algorithms which now control the Internet will never support me as an independent individual. Nevertheless... I can trust my intuition [it has not yet been stolen] but can you?