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Who gets direct access to your mind?

Your mind can be expansive or constrained. The truth is you get to choose which type of mind you live with.

If you choose a 'constrained mind' - and many do - it is highly likely you will decide to promote 'other people's wants' above your 'genuine needs'. Signs you have made this decision [either consciously or unconsciously] are you seek to 'keep up with the Jones'. You are tight with a Clique. You are influenced by the 'one think' of those around you. You often get caught inside a mental 'paradox' wherein you do something you know will not end well simply to 'go along' with the prevailing consensus.

If you choose an 'expansive mind' - and some do - it is highly likely that you will decide to promote your 'genuine needs' above 'other people's wants'. I found ways to access my 'expansive mind' around five years ago. First, and foremost, I began to focus on my needs. And… surprise, surprise… I realised that I had very few needs which meant that my mind expanded. One direct consequence was that I wrote a science-fiction novel that highlighted the social impact of 'sameness' on human minds. In this tale my heroine, Jade, dreams of being a Martian Citizen who lives comfortably on the icy-blue planet Mars.


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