NASA put a man on the Moon [and returned him safely to Earth] to fulfil a promise made by President John F Kennedy that they would achieve this feat within a decade. The mission shocked NASA. Frankly they had no idea how they could achieve that mission let alone get it done within the time limit. They achieved it within the time limit and they did it with no loss of life in Open Space [however, they lost three astronauts in a fire on the ground]. But......... Without the vision of President John F Kennedy to rattled their cage and get them focused - NASA would never have landed a man on the Moon.
When I went to NASA many many years ago I had a message for them too. My message was about how they had to change some things around the place or face the fact they would stuff-up badly with the Space Shuttle. But that is a story for another day. I only allude to it here because it takes the influence of some outside element to change a place like NASA [ after all it took the JFK vision to set NASA on its pathway to lunar greatness].
If you have a NASA type mission settled in your mind then your task is to focus on it and then to develop the discipline you will need to complete it. So.... Who is your outside change agent? Who will set you alight in ways that you have never experienced before? Who will lead you to rasp everything back to bone?
My suggestion is you take a bit from here and a bit from there to create a patchwork quilt of an idea. At first the patches may not seem like they fit together but given the right context eventually all the pieces will land in the right places. If you want to full understand what I am getting at here I suggest you watch the old movie "Working Girl" starring Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford.
Advertisement..... Minimal-you is usually found through a simple process that transforms you. You can find your minimal-you if you engage the 10 day process available on this website. The transformation takes just 10 days but lasts for years. You will change your wants, habits and beliefs. You will expand your capacity to think, imagine, decide, and shape your life to best fit your needs. You can find your future by clicking on the minimal-you button on the homepage of this website. Thanks for your time Richard.