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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe

We choose the system or it chooses us....

Systems-led people rule the world today.

Systems-led people rule us and they reject those who choose a people-led systems. System-led people wear a mask [the symbol of rule by the system] and people-led systems wear national flags [the symbol of rule be the people].

The reason we see such incompetent leaders around the globe is primarily because they are not actually in control of the systems that rule us all. These incompetent actors belong to a centralised system that currently acts like a black hole as it sucks in the power of dissidents. This is a system that is full of entropy and as such it can only survive under the stewardship of the least competent among us. What these people FEAR most is a person[s] who will not comply with the dictates of their system - you will wear a mask because it indicates your willingness to comply with any, and all, the dictates of the system.

The reason we see such competent leaders around the globe is because they are in control of their own values, morals, and beliefs. Such leaders belong to a decentralised system that reaches down to the kitchen tables all the citizens of a nation-state. It is these citizens who rule in a people-led system. These people-led systems are self-organising and thus do not scale that well. The natural flaw in people-led systems is they are open to continual feedback loops. In fact decentralised systems are built on "loosely formed coalitions" of individuals not the integrated "one speak" of collectives who currently sustain centralised systems. By far the great threat to self-organising people-led systems is the zealots who expand the "sentience boundaries" beyond what is needed to maintain a dynamic state of homeostasis.

The truth is both centralised and decentralised systems are necessary to run a planet with 7.5 billion people striving to survive and thrive. In most organisations there is a natural cycle between centralised and decentralised rule [often this has a five year time lapse]. We need centralisation systems to scale our supply chains; and, we need decentralised systems to devolve power to the people.


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