Collective wants exist to serve groups whereas individual needs are created by you and me [see photo].
Contemporary wants often extend beyond economics [food, shelter, remuneration, etc] to include rights, gender preferences, and group privileges. Key benefits are usually granted to groups by government decree; however, some of these gratuities are provided by non-government entities including charities. In essence these benefits are based on [or are an integral part of] an expanding set of collective wants. Of course most benefits flow either directly, or indirectly, to a group to which you belong [eg trade union, gender, race, etc].
Individual needs exist both inside, and outside, the reach of group demands. And of course the extent of one individual's needs can be huge while those of another can be small or even tiny. In general it can be assumed that individuals who focus on needs will demand fewer rights, entitlements, subsidies, etc. If these folks did act as a unified group [as do collectives] the size, and reach, of governments would shrink dramatically all around the world. Thus the demand for many categories of contemporary goods, and services, would also decline.
Wants versus needs is a key battle in 2022. Today the war in Ukraine [economic sanctions on Russia and the ground fighting] provides a disruptive reset for the production and supply of whatever it is that satiates an open ended array of collective wants. If you focus on individual needs and reduce your dependence on collective wants then you will find exciting new ways to survive, and to thrive, within the living conditions that may emerge in 2023 and beyond.