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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe

Wants define them: needs define you.


The collective wants of the tribes shape the life of those who are caught up in the culture wars that rages around the globe today. These tribes are often labelled left or right leaning, progressive or conservative, socialists or capitalists, anarchists or traditionalists, etc. Both sets of warring entities tend to freeze out the individual needs of you and me as they focus on accumulating increasing degrees of power over their tribe.

Because the individual needs of you and me are frozen out of the conversations within these tribes a natural DMZ [Demilitarized Zone] forms. This space exists because the sentience boundaries, and social ties, of the tribes must always form a hardline border. Simply put, this means that from a tribal member's perspective anyone who exists in the DMZ is not to be trusted: however, they will also concede that DMZ dwellers do not pose a threat to them.

Late in 2015, I decided to live the remainder of my life inside the DMZ between the warring tribes that roam the world today. This decision was easy for me because for more than a decade I had been working on a conceptual model that could work, in practice, to shield me from the "sameness" that results when you live inside your favourite collective. Those who live inside a collective have the same, or a very similar, world view as each other. This is because they all live in a mind-soup of "group think".

The model I currently use to survive and thrive inside the DMZ is based on my ability to eliminate collective wants. I do this because it enables me to better focus on my individual needs. It turns out that my individual needs are few and most of these find no succour in the collective wants of the warring tribes. Back in 2008, I began to think about the concept of minimal-you [see photo] as my DMZ identity. However. It was not until 2018 that I had clearly identified a three-step process that made it possible for me to live as a Newminimalist.

And, of course, by definition a Newminimalist is able to survive, and thrive, in a space that is just beyond the reach of those who demand to have the power they need to imprint their "collective wants" onto 7.5 billion people on this planet.


Find your unique version of minimal-you by following my three-step process. You can gain free access to that process if you go to the homepage of my website at

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