I woke up this morning and changed my inner voice from " I am afraid of covid-19" to " I can not afford to live in fear of this miserable little virus". Of course, I am still a prime candidate to get this thing and perhaps even die from it but I can no longer live in fear of it.
From this day, 6th October 2020, my life goes like this.
I fear the totalitarian regimes that seek to enforce inhumane lockdowns to minimise the health threats posed by covid-19 [I respect the presence the Coronavirus but I do not fear it - I wear a mask, wash my hands, and social distance].
I fear the proponents of The Green New Deal as the answer to Climate Change [I respect the present of Climate Change but I do not fear it - I know that nuclear power is a promising and a positive solution to the most pressing man-made elements of global warming or cooling].
I fear the collective mindsets that propagate hate against other human beings because that is not the answer to any question posed about the survival of our species [some of my best friends hate, with a passion, individuals who they have never met - they hate them because they have a different mindset (inner voice) from the one they assume is moral and correct].
I am a proud minimalist and as such I will shutdown the messages coming from those who seek to infect my inner voice with fear-loaded propaganda against humanity. For more about how you can benefit from becoming a minimalist please go to the homepage of my website at minimal-you.com