Newminimalists think different because they think for themselves.
When you are 5 years old you are confused and so you ask a never-ending series of questions [see photo]. Most 5 year olds are living a life infused with deep imagination, confusion [the precursor to learning], and rapid personal development. This is a time when the individual is shaped. But all that can get lost in the fog of collective "group think".
Collective "group think" spiced with some version of ideology or theology is a common fact of life in 2020. Some people seem to come alive once they swap their individual core to join their preferred collective. Inside a 2020 collective confusion is supplanted by certainty. Ideas are formatted to fit the prevailing narrative. Questions are focused on what exists today not what is possible tomorrow.
Independent thinkers can quickly gain some new insights into "who they can be" by going to the homepage on my website at There you will find a three-step process to get you to a Newminimalist mindset.