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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe

Think different

This year is the perfect time to reform your thinking. Why? Because your old ways of thinking will not serve you well in the coming years as Artificial General Intelligence changes the world around you.

Here are a few of the basics you will need if you are to think different.

First... Curate the ability to hold two opposing thoughts in your mind at the same time. You can practice this habit in conversations with familial, friends, students, etc. Initially you argue against your point of view. When you have established that narrative you switch to presenting the opposite point of view.

Second... Accept that your ability to think different is fertilized by outside, not inside, influences. What the hell? Yeah... I know that this is not intuitive. Normal practice relies upon our internal powers to curate "odd thoughts". But... most of these "odd thoughts" come to our minds from the outside. Thus our ability to think different is an outside-in, not an inside-out, process.

Third... Those who think different invariably place an emphasis on strategic thinking whereas most folks focus on tactical thinking. What the hell does that mean? Well, in essence, it means that those who think different usually zoom out their thinking. Zooming out leads them to consider longer term issues. For example... They might think about the fate of downtown commercial real estate in 2030. They might note that if the current trend "to work from home" persists then fewer, and fewer, employees will apply for jobs that are located downtown. Thus more, and more, will become freelance actors in the emerging economy. These independent actors will create their own jobs rather than continue to tolerate the restrictions impose of them, and their ways of thinking, by those who work downtown.

Think different and be free. 


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