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The power of creatives

One of the great lies of our times is that the creative mind resides inside the brain of the progressive, activist, political groupie, etc. The truth is the creative mind exists beyond the human brain in a way that often sends its host crazy.

Let us consider Elon Musk as example of a creative. Elon is an engineer who loves to solve problems and he is very adept at doing just that. But there is no actual evidence that Elon is a creative. The evidence shows that much of his work has always been aligned with the ideology of those who use a public fear of Climate Change to promote idealistic solutions to practical problems. In many respects Elon is a brilliant engineer who is  brain-locked into incremental change. He is not a person who will go crazy because his remarkable brain makes him a misfit within his social networks. But... Perhaps his thinking will change as he begins to address the issue of creating a viable government on Mars.

One reason there are fewer creatives than we need is that such folks are weird. They see so many things around them that do not make sense. They create images of great success where others project misery and failure. They create through images not through words. They create through sounds not through words. They create through the careful use of illusion not through the propagation of delusion. They create through expansion of what can be not by contracting what is

Throughout their lives most creatives feel special.

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