Here is the thing. Everyone is different. Indeed that fact is the reason that we spend so much time during our lives trying to fit in, belong, and change who we are. The truth is that each of us is unique, special, and an island of possibilities [see photo].
The thing that makes you special is minimal-you. It is a state of mind. A way of being in the world. A presence that you posses and display each and every day. This is the default setting for who you are, who you will be, and who you choose to be with you.
You are special in the moments when your needs, habits, and beliefs are positively aligned.
The greatest privilege you will ever know is in the moments when you are sucking in the magic of being you.
Minimal-you is usually found through a simple process that transforms you. You can find your minimal-you if you engage the 10 day process available on this website. The transformation takes just 10 days but lasts for years. You will change your wants, habits and beliefs. You will expand your capacity to think, imagine, decide, and shape your life to best fit your needs. You can find your future by clicking on the minimal-you button on the homepage of this website. Thanks for your time Richard.