Inflation, war in Ukraine, health mandates, digital ID, social credit scores, etc are all issues that mean your mind is bombarded with anxiety, uncertainty, and ambiguity [see photo].
The key issue for each and everyone of us today is our mental health. If you allow the collective wants of media, governments, inane politicians, and the like then you will be "on edge" all the time and therefore your mental health can deteriorate quickly. This mental degradation will become notable to those of you who are struggling to separate reality from the fantasies of your friends, colleagues, and familial who form "group think" collectives.
My personal mental health is great [give or take the fact that I am actually insane]. My secret is that I focus on "individual needs" not "collective wants" [I have invented my own version of minimalism]. I find that my needs are no longer aligned to those of the major power holders in Washington DC, London, Berlin, Bussells, etc or in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, etc. and this enables me to see the world through a unique set of eyes. While this fact could be a negative for my personal mental health: it turns out to be a huge positive. Why? Because from my minimalism mindset I am positioned in the DMZ between those who favour Zelensky and those who decry Putin. From this vantage point I can see that we are being sold a narrative full of lies and half truths. For example, Zelesky has become a pin-up boy for the power brokers in the West; however, I can never forget that he has run a government riddled with corruption and defined by his mafia-like tactics of leadership.
The message I am selling here is that you will face the pressures of inflation at work, home, and in your personal life; but, you can not afford to let it affect your mental health. Your mental health is the most important asset you have in this time of inflation, government incompetence, supply chain bottlenecks, questions of job security, etc. Please take care and if you can afford the fee I charge [remember this package took me more than a decade of work to assemble] you might well consider retraining your mind to focus on needs not wants.
For instant access to my minimalism program go to and press on "become a minimalist".