You have the winning card in your pack [see photo]. That card is minimalism. Minimalism is the Joker in your pack if, and only if, you can package it as minimal-you.
Minimal-you is a state of mind that is attained through a 10 day transformation. You can obtain the keys to that stunning transformation @ While your transition takes just 10 days the impact upon you lasts for decades.
You will change your wants, habits and beliefs. You will expand your capacity to think, imagine, decide, and shape your life to best fit your primary needs.
Perhaps the best news is that you can play this Joker each and everyday you are alive. Furthermore you can discover unparalleled levels of happiness [or bliss] once you put your needs out in front of your wants. You can be liberated from debt. You can be free of the shackles imposed on you by your parents, teachers, priests, peers, etc. You can receive an instant burst of energy which is fuelled by your new habits and beliefs. You can buy all the quality foods, services, products, etc that you never thought were available for you.
The truth is you have a winning hand in life if, and only if, you have access to the Joker.