What a great time for minimalists [see photo]. This is a time in history that comes around each Century. At the beginning of the C20th there was WWI and WWII and at the beginning of C21st there is WWIII. All these events were a combination of economic and kinetic wars. There was also an element of nation-state sovereignty in WWI and WWII. But the focus for WWIII is issues pertaining to globalism not nationhood. And this situation is being fuelled by the pervasive spread of "group think", collective habits, and woke-led beliefs.
WWIII is here but it is hard to predict how long it will be with us. It is also difficult to predict how "hot" [nuclear?] the kinetic war will become as the conflict in Ukraine drags on. The real issue here is a clash between the EU [collectists], NATO [a force in search of relevance], Washington DC [the woke movement], and the Russian nation-state. Russia is the nominal enemy of the collective. The collective promote globalist-led "group think", do not tolerate deviant habits [think about mandates and shutdowns to fight the covid virus], and are locked into the religion of wokeness.
My formula for a better future during, and beyond, the throws of WWIII will come to those of us who develop independent of thought, practice needs-based habits, and develop beliefs which serve individuals not those propagated by the woke collective. The future belongs to the woke-led collectives who seek to impose new rules on thoughts, habits, and beliefs. The apparent aim of these collectives is to control speech, mandate habits, and propagate a uniform set of beliefs. If all this goes to the woke plan: the C21st will likely unfold as decade upon decade of "sameness". The world will become a "blob" of mandated thoughts, habits, and beliefs. Meanwhile those who survive and thrive best are those who assemble the "skills set" required to maintain a clear-and-present focus on their individual needs.
Minimalism is like cryptocurrency for personal thoughts, habits, and beliefs. It is a system that can work for you. What system will you adopt to curate the thoughts, habits, and beliefs you will need to "survive and thrive" in the near and the long-term future.