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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe

The economy, economy, economy...

The new economy and YOU...

Your future depends almost entirely upon the economy you live in [see photo].

Does your economy have high rates of inflation? Does your economy have energy and food shortages? Does your economy waste resources on inefficient or ineffective government programs? Does your economy suffer from high rates of underemployment? Does your economy.......

Seldom in the past seventy years can one predict that your future is almost at the beck-and-call of the economy. If you do not fully appreciate the function and dysfunction of the economy then you will not thrive and might barely manage to survive.

What you must understand about the new economy is that it a brutal and uncompromising place. It is a taker not a giver. Since the turn of the Century the global economy has been a giver not a taker. Sure there have been dips in prosperity in 2008 or back in 2000 but that was only because the economy was excessively generous to all of us. But in the year 2020 all that changed due to the impact of Covid-19. Why so? Because the giving economy got clogged up with FEAR! Fear of it [Covid-19] and fear of them [anyone and everyone who could infect you]. Fear ended the giving economy.

The taking economy is triumphant in 2022 and the result is war is breaking out here, there, and everywhere. The taking economy is the sure sign of a general decline in ethical standards [look at your government], distrust between people [look at social media commentary], lack of spiritual presence [look at dominant ideologies], hoarding not sharing [all the talk is about sharing and all the actions are directed towards hoarding], and so on.


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