The covid-19 incident hit each of us in the same and in different ways. It affected us in the same way because it imposed discontinuities upon our lives. It afflicted us in different ways because each of us must seek to overcame this state of discontinuity in an individual fashion.
Let me place this discussion into a broader context with a loose analogy. Covid-19 burnt the family home down, along with the kid's school, our traditional workplace, and all of our perceived options for the future. In the wake of the covid-19 each of us as individuals and all of us as a collective must RESET our lives.
There are three approaches to the problems we face as we RESET.
1] Continue as we were and therefore strive to rebuild exactly what we have lost. If our kids are aged 10 to16 years then perhaps this becomes our first and only choice. These kids will cling to what they have lost and therefore seek to replicate it anew in almost every detail.
2] Crisis is a dynamic state that comes with both threat and opportunity. Those who fear all the change options that appear available will be prone to return to old habits, mores, and lifestyles. Those who are truly open to the opportunities that have been shaken loose by these events may become change zealots as they vow never to repeat past mistakes.
3] Discontinuity is an active switch that enables us to undertake a complete change. Resign from the job, marriage, business partnership, etc. If the house burns down the insurance cheque can fund a total rebuild, a fully-funded divorce, a root-and-branch change for the schooling the kids , a yacht to live on while travelling the world, etc. The covid-19 event can come a turning point for all those who seek to find new pathways into their future.
The mind of a minimalist is developed on a unique sense of you which, in turn, is based on individual needs not collective wants. For instruction on how to establish your sense of you: go to and hit the "become a minimalist" button in the banner heading. This will take you to a payment scheme for a 10 day programme that will teach you how to design, enforce, and live with mind filters: these help you to be the best person you can be.