Newminimalists retain their individual agency.
The loss of individual agency is the issue that I addressed when I curated the notion of Newminimalism. I choose the embedded notion of minimalism because I was looking for an alternative mode of living to that promoted by collective wants.
To my mind the pursuit of collective wants [led by the New Left Movement since 1989] is what has led us to embrace a world of "sameness" [see photo]. I know that ultimately I must live inside a "sameness matrix": but, if I am to do so then I need an antidote to its most harmful effects on me. That means I need to have moments in my life when I feel "special" [see photo]. In turn this means that I must retain my individual agency.
The breakthrough for me came in 2015 when I realised that my antidote to the Stormtrooper World was to separate collective wants from individual needs. Clearly it was my addiction to collective wants that diminished my individual agency.
I decided that I must become a minimalist in an attempt to detox my addiction to collective wants. The freedom portal, for me, appeared once I began to focus [almost exclusively] on my individual needs. The trick was that I never placed any limit on my individual needs because each and everyone of them gave me agency. I became a Newminimalist. Almost immediately, I regained my individual agency over an ever expanding set of needs.
Today's Stormtrooper is locked into a complex version of "New Left group think"*. This means that each and every Stormtrooper is oppressed as much as those who they oppress. They are oppressed by the New Left Elite who command them. This New Left Elite has skilfully turned an "ad hoc" assembly of social justice warriors into a disciplined army of faceless oppressors who wage a relentless war against individual agency.
These Stormtroopers are here, there, and everywhere today. They have become the frontline protagonists [on social media and on the streets] in a global system designed to impose the collective wants of the New Left Elite on all the citizens of the world. In 2020 their project is succeeding: this success will likely last for the remainder of the C21st [remember the USSR persisted for around 70 years].
To regain, and retain, your individual agency you can do the following three things:
a] eliminate your collective wants so you can boost your individual needs.
b] automate your habits based on your expanding individual needs.
c] recreate your beliefs to ensure that they support your individual needs.
There is a three-step process for you on the homepage of my website at
* The New Left emerged as a unifying force for social and economic revolution in 1989 with the collapse of the USSR. However the roots of this social justice movement can be traced back to 1820 so it is a movement that has gained momentum over the past 200 years.