Are you a rabbit, a hare, or a bunny?
The rabbit is easy to spot because he or she is just another delegate in the mob. Thus a rabbit lives his or her life in strict compliance with an ideology, or a theology, that ties him or her into a group and and his or her group into a massive mob. Today, 14th August 2020, the global landscape is over-run with rabbits.
The hare is here, there, and everywhere almost simultaneously. He [called a Jack] or she [called a Jill] is fast moving through life. Decisions are literally made on the run. So precisely where he or she is headed is undetermined with each new step taken. A hare is taller than a rabbit and with its large hind legs has the power to make swift turns in direction and speed.
The bunny is adorable. At its best is is a fantasy-like creature. Bunny is the small child's name for a rabbit. However. The Australian slang term "bunny" means victim or dupe.
Rabbits, hares, and bunnies can quickly gain some new insights into "who they can be" by going to the homepage on my website at There he or she will find a three-step process to get him or her into a Newminimalist mindset.