Our world will soon be a maze of information networks [see photo]. This development portends a huge change to the ways people survive and thrive on this planet. The exchange of information will replace the give and take of money. And with that change the notion of scarcity will be replaced by the utility of abundance. Abundance is ever present within a community that is based on trust, morals, values, and cooperation. The terms of trade within such a community are agreed upon by individuals not collectives. The needs of those "down on their luck" or those incapacitated can be reconciled with the abundance of talent, resourcefulness, and spirit within a community. This is in complete contrast to the current world order wherein the big get bigger and the small get smaller. Today those with power, wealth, and status seek to centralise the prevailing systems. They do this to further enhance their own influence and reach. Thus they create closed information systems. Fortunately, the future will be very different as communities work cooperatively to create open information systems. These new clusters of information will be linked to each other in ways that ensure all humans have direct access to each other.
Money will return to being information or data. Humans will return to being individuals. Production will return to meeting the needs of the local community first and foremost and only the surpluses will be distributed to a community next door or across the globe. Production will be formulated in ways that enable the use of AI bots in the office, farm, and home. The office will become the town square as people mix and meet to develop strategies and tactics for optimizing human contributions to communal harvests. They will also devise tactics for distributing those outputs in the most efficient and effective ways. The local equivalent of a bank will be the hub of this local system. Local community administrators will tax information on a user pays basis and also set the rules for people's lifestyles.
This world may never actually eventuate; but, it is more likely to exist in 2090 than a global regime that is reliant upon entities such as EU, NATO, UN, WHO, etc. Central banks will go and that change alone will liberate all humans on this planet. And so on and so on....