Newminimalists are in the perfect headspace for the 2020 crisis.
Newminimalism is a calm state of mind [see photo].
Newminimalism is a state of bliss, a Zen mindfulness, an inner peace of mind, a mantra for individual growth, or a balanced state of mindful good and evil [the angel and the devil within one can form a balanced core].
I spent years from 2012 to 2019 preparing for a global Economic Depression, a viral pandemic, or an escalation of traditional acts of war. However. Not for a moment did I suspect that the 2020 New Year would become a portal to a global pandemic and an unprecedented shutdown for many national economies. The only thing missing in this picture was a war between nations, or regions, or tribal groups. However by May 2020 the law was being used to pursue a war between governments and citizens with draconian restrictions that extended way beyond social distancing.
Newminimalism prepared me for what the world has right now and it will help me find my way through the structural changes that are inevitable over the next 5 years. Perhaps the only surprise for me was the levels of incompetence that have been exposed in governments, science [particularly those who used models to predict the progression of a virus with little evidence-based data], mass and social media commentators, etc.
If you would like to learn more about how a Newminimalist mindset can help you in the near future please contact me at You can engage me via direct message or email as you please.