"The times they are a changing.... " sounds like a theme for a hit song - ha, ha, ha.... If only those sentiments were true. The contemporary truth is that today is the same only different [see photo]... Indeed a C21st existence is much more the same [conformity, group think, monolithic belief sets, etc] than it is different to life in C20th.
Over the next 30 years employees will likely demand we:
- eliminate HR and replace it with a market-based mix of legal, training, recruitment, etc services
- create a series of revenue models that promote disruption, innovation, monopolies [read Zero to One], cooperatives, and much more
- use AI to automate the repetitive processes that expand 'make work' within labour-intensive supply, production, and distribution
- replace the 'value add' mantra with a 'use value' principle [use value pertains to the value of goods and services to the customer rather than the manufacturer]
- adopt a matrix [overlapping centres of managerial authority and power] architecture to better facilitate C21st networked supply, production, delivery systems [think of networks like Amazon, PayPal, WhatsApp, etc]