New learning comes to you in your Alpha state somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. Some learning comes in the form of dreams. Some come in the form of a message received on your smart phone. Some come while you sit and still your mind over a cup of coffee. Some come when you are alone in a glacial valley and embrace the presence of the unknown [see photo].
No new learning comes from your Clique, cult, or group think friends. A homogeneous environment is not conducive to you, or anyone else for that matter, embracing the shock of the new. Why? Because the shock of the new is usually accompanied by some sense of confusion.
Here is the rub.
Conformity, group think, collaboration, and one speak have most likely dulled your sense of awareness. In your current 'zombie like' state of mindfulness it is almost impossible to experience the highs and lows of being 'out of control'. So you remain disinclined to embrace new ideas, beliefs, and ways of being in the world.