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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe

Narrative versus reality...

The modern narrative.

The modern narrative describes an "outcome" that many of us embrace as if it is already our "new reality" [see photo].

The good news [for me - ha, ha, ha] is that the "modern narrative" is only a dream. It is a wakeful dream which has low density when it comes to details. Further good news comes to me when I observe that the alternative to the narrated dream is a "nuts and bolts" bridge across all the troubled waters that swamp our times.

One example of what I am talking about is the stand taken by the National Party which is the junior member of the current Federal Government of Australia. Over the past few weeks the National Party has examined a vast range of public policy settings that could build a bridge rather than continue to chant "magical mantras" about a stairway to zero-neutral carbon emissions by 2050. The head of the Nationals has fought hard to inject a smidgen of "reality" into the future policy settings [around the issue of Climate Change] that will drive Australia over the next 30 years. These politicians propose that the existing Australian Government establish a Future Fund [for Regional Australia] that can be used to assist the growth of alternative employment, businesses, industries, etc which will offset the losses incurred by carbon-intensive entities. Such funds can be used to transition coal towns into a future where that commodity is being phased out of world trade.

By the way Australia is currently selling more coal, at higher prices, than ever before [reality].

Perhaps it is time for YOU to undertake an assessment of the narrative that guides your life at work, in community, around family, etc. One way to do this is to create a pro-and-con list of the benefits and costs of the narratives that describe your dream sets of outcomes. Then repeat the exercise for the benefits and costs of the realities that shape your life today.


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