Minimalists are organised around needs not wants.
Minimalists are creative people [see photo]. They live in a world that is their own creation. Inside this world they find the best ways serve both their individual needs and those of their familial.
They survive, in large part, because the live within the flow. Thus they attract positives to them; and this means that they can deal with the negatives with relative ease. Within the flow these minimalist discover that the best life can be had with less not more complexity.
Complexity is what tends to comes to those who live outside the flow. These folks tend to live with an excess of collective wants that can never be satiated. Thus they find that hard choices must be made about even little things. These little things soon mount up. Eventually they create a superstructure for one's life that has little to do with him or her as an individual.
For example, these folks tend to want Climate Change to disappear, they want social justice for all, they want free education and health for everyone on the planet, etc. In this way they allow complexity to dominate their lives. And some of these good folks find they can not cope with the resultant uncertainty, ambiguity, and futility of their lives.
Minimalism is about basic needs for life. And paramount among them is the need for some reliable sense of continuity.
Continuity remains in a stable state when the environs that supports it is more or less predictable [which is what we have today]. But if an individual finds himself or herself living with an unpredictable environment then he or she must create a new line of continuity. At its core this new line of continuity will have a focus on needs not wants.