Establish a central node [war room] with no more than five people who can be rotated in and out [see photo]. Make sure this central node is linked to robust information hubs [systems and talented people] all around the globe. Work at two levels on this crisis: strategy and tactics. Strategy brings context and can be used to break the space-time continuum that leads to panic. Tactics are used as stop-pause measures.
The key purpose of strategy is to provide a sharp focus on future trends/outcomes. This is a meta-level activity which relies upon feedback/information flows wherein data is absorbed slowly. A feature of this model is the lateral transmission of strategy throughout the network. This happens if, and only, if this is a network of equals that is built on trust. This means there is no hierarchical power/authority attached to data capture within all these feedback loops.
The key tactic is to avoid mandated thinking, behaviours, and beliefs. With tactical decision making the goal is to act, and to absorb, both positive and negative feedback swiftly. Each new tactical decision sets off a beta testing chain of cause-and-effect. It is important here to note that there is often a wide variance in outcomes at local node levels due to unwarranted delays in positive/negative feedback to the central node.