Minimalists organise their minds, habits, and beliefs based on individual needs [see photo].
Mental clarity is the first step toward living as a minimalist.
Global supply chains are imploding and with it comes a new economy which is less and less based on consumption, growth, borrowings, energy, and waste. This new economy shall be more efficient and effective at addressing individual needs not consumer wants.
Local supply chains are about to emerge. These initiatives will cause economies to fragment into local entities to replace the C20th phenomenon of nation states. Local economies will become information intensive [using 5G technologies] and these will link [starlink technologies] to regional areas that are governed in accord with citizen's needs.
Information intense communities/localities will become much more time sensitive and governance, legal, and market failure issues will be ordered in terms of their complexity not their political hype. The less complex the issue the more urgent it becomes and the quicker it is resolved. The more complex the issue less urgent it becomes and the longer it will take to be resolved. This is the inversion of the political processes at the beginning of the C21st.