Mental obesity is a state of mindfulness that is chosen by many people today. These folk choose to fill their mind's eye with clutter [see photo]. They fill it with ideological chat. They fill it with group think. They fill it with illusions and sometimes even delusions. They fill it with false ideals and utopian expectations. And so on and so on.
Reducing the mental clutter you carry with you is a demanding task. Start by removing ideological chat from your mental menu. One way to do this is to list the pressing fears you harbour. For example you might hold genuine fears that the world is going to end in 10 years time due to the impact of Climate Change. If you do hold this fear you will listen to chat that supports this anxiety. This leads you towards mental fatigue and contributes to your mental obesity. One step you can take to defuse your fear is to search for new ways of solving the issues embedded in the challenges of Climate Change.
At present those who pedal the fear of Climate Change support electric vehicles, solar and wind power, big government renewable energy programs, shutdowns of coal and gas supplies, low CO2 emissions by 2030/2050, etc. If you fear Climate Change you will likely be sucked up into a fear vortex that has you affirm public policies based on ideology not on rational thought. Rational thought makes you question the actions of global governance as you search for alternatives to ideological propositions. Thus it is your propensity to hold strong ideological perspectives on the issues that leads you to become mentally obese.
Those who chose to be loyal to an ideological view on the world also chose mental obesity.
To maintain your ideological beliefs you must gather around you those who think and act like you. If you think solar, wind, and other natural sources of energy are what should power our world then you will join with those who advocate for lower standards of living. A corollary to lower standards of living is less economic and population growth. A further corollary to that way of thinking is the obvious need for equity, diversity, and inclusion. And finally... a further corollary to that way of thinking is more governmental control of individual behaviours to ensure equal outcomes are guaranteed. However the only guaranteed outcome from this way of thinking, acting, and believing is that you will choose mental obesity.