I have come to accept the fact that "media bias" exists to serve a world intoxicated with "group think". Because we are human we live in a world dominated by media bias. Indeed we thrive [as a species] on media bias because it strengthens our social ties within our chosen cult, union, religious affiliation, etc. And so, all contemporary forms of media bias are a natural part of our pathways towards social evolution.
Those who stand apart from the prevailing media biases do so in knowledge that they will incur considerable costs and few [if any] benefits [see photo]. Are such people extremely courageous or simply stupid? I believe that is a question which can only truly be answered in the context of the critical decisions that individuals [he/she] are forced to make.
A classic example of contemporary "media bias" is the often stated view that vaccinated people are working for the greater good; while, those who remain unvaccinated are being selfish and demonstrably not acting in the best interests of others.
For the record... I am a fully vaccinated individual; however, I tend to lend my support to the unvaccinated in instances where their own, or their child's, life is being forcefully controlled by "government vaccine mandates".
Media bias and group think are twin sisters; and, as such they tend to both support the suppression of information that does not comply with their need to serve whatever purpose they assert that they are pursing for the greater good.