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Matrix money...

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Matrix money

Matrix money is a concept that may or may not rule your future life [see photo]. This whole notion rests on the fact that money can become digital through a process that combines what we have previously referred to as money supply and fiscal spending.

Traditionally the broad money supply has been controlled by Central Banks; meanwhile, fiscal spending has been managed by the Treasury in each nation state. But deep inside our current global model there is a beta-test of an economic model in which the Central Banks and the Treasuries merge. This means that money supply will no longer be created by banks when they lend. Therefore paper money will gradually be replaced by a digital entity [DiFi] which links government spending directly with consumer credit.

At present matrix money is purely the result of my speculative thought but it does open up some interesting possibilities.

Deflation versus inflation which has recently become a pivot point for the battle between money supply and fiscal spending may soon be deemed obsolete. Deflation is a lever being pulled by Central Banks as they withdraw fiat money from the global system. Inflation is a lever being yanked by nation-state Governments as they gaily spend on universal basic income type schemes to offset the direct impact of lockdowns on the consumer economy. Most pundits seem to think that inflation is the likely winner of this battle - but I disagree. I sense that the consumer economy of 2019 is not coming back because spending on old consumption has been so tightly restricted during the lockdowns that totally new habits have been formed. And if this is so then the emergence of a matrix money schema is probable.

Inside the matrix money schema lies a social credit system that has individuals scored by the government on health, social, work, ideological, and other traits. Those with a high score get unlimited access to matrix money and those with a low score get tightly restricted access to it. Government becomes the sole provider of matrix money which is delivered to individuals and groups based upon their willingness to comply the stated rules for social cohesion. The most compliant citizens will be rewarded with fiction-free access to healthcare, work, housing, travel, etc. The most non-compliant will be denied easy access to the basics of life.

The money matrix schema will be far less volatile than the current fiat paper system because innovation [innovators] will be squashed through regulations that forces deviants, rogues, and misfits to go underground. The money matrix schema will rule the world because only minor adjustments will be needed in various geographical regions once the nation state is rendered obsolete by open border regimes. Gender, ideology, education, reproduction rates, etc will all be determined by those who control, and manage, this new matrix money schema. Your place inside this new system will be determined by your willingness to comply with the mandates that the system uses to assess your matrix money score.


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