Many groups vote for mandates that are a black hole for individual liberty [see photo]. But... Mandate immunity is possible if, and only if, you have a unique sense of who you are and who you can be.
We live in a world that maintains a dynamic balance between matter and anti-matter. The anti-matter around us not the Covid virus; however a closely related cousin [memes, mantras, language, etc] is what creates tribal mandates. These tribal mandates promote behaviours that divide communities into a new form of anti-matter [BLM, Climate Priests, HR bullies, etc] which is a clear-and-present black hole for matter [Christians, white males, families, etc].
The reason anti-matter now dominates our communities is that it is cheap. The cost of "going along to get along" is low. However... The cost of creating your unique version of minimal-you is high in money terms, discipline, and persistence.
OK.... You get my drift... So what can you actually do to become mandate immune.
1] Do not get a job. Become a gig worker who sets his or her own terms of engagement.
2] Sell ideas, skills, knowledge, know-how, imagination, insights, experience, etc not labour.
3] Reject the tribal pull for mandated masks, vaccines, and access to life.
4] Vote for candidates who do not belong to established parties.
5] Educate your kids at home, in charter schools, on the job, etc.
6] Join healthcare networks that can slash the costs of medicines and hospital wards.
7] Do not let others waste your time with meaningless anti-matter noise.
8] Pay the full price [money, time, inconvenience, etc ] for what you need.
9] Reframe your morals and values.