In 2020 the Earth was struck by a virus that led to unemployment, social isolation, indiscriminate outbursts of violence, curtailed freedoms, bankruptcies, and depletion of individuals' savings. Governments everywhere, of all political stripes, are trying to restructure the society under their direct control in order to meet the challenge of this global virus. As a result most people are being forced to "learn to live with less".
Minimalists "live with less". They live with less debt. They live with less junk in the garage. They live with less clutter. They live with less reliance upon ideology or theology. They live with less habitual consumption. They live with less reliance upon government services. They live with less confusion about what matters in life. And so on.....
Meanwhile my concept of the Newminimalists builds on the discipline of minimalism by introducing the much needed counterweight of more. More quality goods and services. More savings [see photo]. More independent thoughts. More attention to individual needs than collective wants.
Independent thinkers can quickly gain some new insights into "who they can be" by going to the homepage on my website at There you will find a three-step process to get you to a Newminimalist mindset.