What is hard to fathom today is the fact that leadership and system remain so disconnected [see photo]. As to precisely why this happened all across the globe at the same time and in the same way remains one of life's great mysteries.
Here is my take on this phenomenon. Leadership can be vacuous when the system is dominant. System tends to be weak when leadership is dominant. But both can thrive when there is an optimal balance between the two.
System is dominant today in most nations around the world and thus it is no surprise that leadership is vacuous [USA, Canada, EU, China, etc]. The current system is underpinned by ideological narratives which ensures that green energy is blessed and fossil fuels based energy is cursed. This emergent system is a centralist model for the globe and while the ideologues assure us that this will prove to be our saviour; it remains largely untested. Leadership in this beta-testing phase for the green energy system lacks everything that humans need from their heroes [empathy, tolerance, vision, persuasion, etc]. The emptiness of current leadership is obvious in Canada, USA, EU, Australia, France, Germany, and Britain.
Leadership is dominant in two nations: Russia and Hungary. The leadership style is different in Russia and Hungary but these two have more points in common than might be obvious at first glance. The major point of commonality is that both leaders are pro families. This means these leaders are more sanguine of the needs of humans than those who merely lust after power by promoting their favoured ideological system. For example, the leaders of USA and Canada show no interest in serving the needs of humans as they have become robotic zealots of the same green energy ideological system.
The world does best when leadership and system are complimentary. I am sure you have great examples from your own life when this has occurred and when it has not. As a thought experiment I urge you to think about how best to bring the leadership and system back into parity in your workplace, home, local community, nation and perhaps the world.