Hi everyone... I am extremely happy this morning as I stir into life here in Praha.... The sun is sunning outside and my soul is glowing inside. I am super happy today because I have decided to share my precious secret with you. I do this because it may help you to deal with your present environs.
After 10 years of struggling to define why I was so different from my peers, cohorts, familial, etc I finally stumbled upon a simple explanation. The difference is that most folks live their lives in stages whereas I tend to live it in layers. But what does that mean exactly?
Let's look at the current Anti-Covid lockdowns occurring around the world - most notably in Australia and New Zealand. Governments speak about their various stages of lockdowns. Stage one is blah, blah, blah, blah. Stage two is extra blah, blah, blah, blah. And so it goes. However... The issue for most individuals is what stage will deliver them to an open society. This is where all the current issues with stages [in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, or NZ] co-mingle to produce a "Kabul exit strategy" which guarantees chaos. I think of this current problem as something akin to the boiling frog in a beaker. Each new lockdown stage is the equivalent of increasing the temp in the beaker until the poor frog is cooked. Australians and New Zealanders are just like that frog because they are gradually being cooked.
Now let me share with you my alternative approach to life. My life has three layers. Thoughts, habits, and beliefs. My notion of minimalism demands that each layer focus on my individual needs not the collective wants of others. So each layer of life supports the other [see photo].
What is happening within Australian and New Zealand is that layers of authoritarianism are being applied to thoughts, actions, and beliefs. Authoritarian bullies in government, media, and corporates are in control of propaganda within both countries. These collectives have established layer-upon-layer of thought-habit-belief oppression on each and every individual Australian and New Zealander to the level that he or she will tolerate without a violent rebellion [picture the frog jumping out of the warming water before it is cooked]. At each and every stage the individual Aussie and Kiwi is being urged to accept their authoritarian overlords as goodwill servants of "the greater good". Get vaccinated for the greater good. Wear masks for the greater good. Stayed locked in your homes for the greater good.
What is "the greater good"? Simply put it is a declaration of "collective wants" that pays no heed to "individual needs".
Minimal-you has just three simple layers - thoughts, actions, and beliefs.
My mind as a minimalist is developed on a unique sense of what I call minimal-you which, in turn, is based on individual needs not collective wants. For instruction on how to establish your sense of you: go to minimal-you.com and hit the "become a minimalist" button in the banner heading. This will take you to a payment scheme for a 10 day programme that will teach you how to design, enforce, and live with mind filters: these help you to be the best person you can be.