It is Day One of the election campaign in Britain and, despite the polls, Labour should be an odds-on favourite to move into Downing Street...... BUT.....
The key issues for Labour include the health system. The fact that the Tories have occupied the Treasury benches for way too long. The fact that Brexit is a mess. The fact that there is a mass hysteria around the carbon-based economy. The fact that the cost of living for working people is punishing. The fact that transport, water, and other services are totally inadequate. .
Today the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbin, launched his campaign to a room full of the faithful. Surprisingly there was a distinct lack of enthusiasm in the room. And therein lies the problem for those running the Labour Campaign.
Labour has the vast majority of the mass media supporting its messaging and this could prove to be a winning advantage. But... The Campaign message is a dog's breakfast. There is no clear narrative. The slogan of "real change" is weak and will not go viral on social media. In fact the Corbin message wandered all over the place. It sounded like a throw back to the 1970s when Labour was tagged as the "Looney Left". And while that is not the prevailing view today this theme lacks credibility. Surely the resounding message for the Labour Party in 2019 is one that pits Us [the people] against Them [the Elite].
If the Labour Party can pitch a viable, energetic, and committed case that Jeremy Corbin will be a relentless warrior for his constituents then Labour will win. However. If the Labour Party is perceived as just another instrument for ideological warfare then it will lose.
This is shaping up as a really fun Election Campaign......