Independence has always been important to me. The ability to think for myself often saw me living on the outside of the in-group. But I had no complaints about that. Indeed I often felt that my life was enhanced by the fact that I did not agree with or mindlessly follow the latest fads, fashions, and ideological quirks. And so today I sit comfortably with the knowledge that I am consist in my lifelong rejection of dependence upon others.
However. The one thing that I would change in my life is my difficulty, reluctance, or inability to warmly embrace the fact that people have, will, or expect to be dependent on me. I take this as a human error that was not picked up along the production line before I popped out of the birth canal. Then I got little support for the idea that I should change who or what I was growing up. So here I am today left sitting like a shag-on-a-rock in a world where it seems that everyone craves dependence. Dependence on governments, on group think, on their tribe, and so on and so on.
Independence might be a rarity in 2021 around the globe but for me it is still a proper virtue.