Before we begin I must tell you that my formula for Groupthink goes as follows:
Emotions x Ideology / Intellect.
Emotions as expressed by feelings, desires, wants, etc.
Ideology as expressed by belief sets, confirmation biases, religious affiliations, etc.
Intellect as expressed by IQ, common sense, rational thinking, etc.
The threat of Group think first struck me while working in politics in my youth. Back then I labelled this phenomenon "coalitions of interest". Even in those days I was convinced that this syndrome would come to dominate Party Politics.
Around fifteen years ago I began to rebel against the "sameness" I was seeing here, there, and everywhere. A sameness of thoughts, habits, and beliefs was taking over life in the West. I hated this fact because it meant that I could not simply be myself and be left to get on with my life without seemingly insulting some group or other. This meant I had to comply or else I had to find my own framework for thinking, acting, and being. It took me until 2015 before I got a handle on the task of framing my world through the eyes of a minimalist.
And... Of course I do not mean minimalist in the same sense that most folks use that word. To me minimalism is a philosophical approach to life that is the natural antidote to Group think. Indeed I found my way to discovering minimalism by writing a book about memes. The book has 500 plus pages and it took me around 3 years to write and another 2 years to edit it to the point where it is now on review with a literary agent. All that time it was my ruse for the development of what I call minimal-you.
Minimal-you is a stripped back version of yourself. What is stripped out is the wants of others. What is beefed up is the essence of who you were, are, and can become. The best way to find your unique version of minimal-you is eliminate all the memes that run around inside your head. These memes are social viruses that pollute your state-of-mind. These memes are the founding elements that give rise to Group think becoming embedded inside your brain. These memes become the bedrock of your confirmation bias and thus the lens [mind's eye] through which you come to view the world.
People die everyday from a multiple of causes - this is a sad fact of life as a human. Many more people become mind-zombies because they have inculcated the memes that sustain Group think. The symptoms of a mind-zombie are easy to spot. Emotions are driven by fear of the unknown. Ideology has replaced the inner voice you had when you were five years old - back then you were imaginative, creative, self aware, etc. But that version of you is now scripted to act out a particular ideology. And when the intellect around you lacks common sense, rational thinking, etc then you become trapped in your special version of Group think.
To access my 10 day course go to minimal-you.com and hit the "Become a minimalist" button. The link will take you to a page that has a payment link. Warning this course is expensive because it took me five year to develop; but more importantly, because you are worth the investment. Good luck with your journey towards a Group think free life.