Last post I messaged you about Groupthink as a major threat to our social evolution and gave you my simple formula as a pointer towards better understanding this phenomenon [see photo]. Do not be fooled... Group think is a mental disease that few in positions of power seem unwilling to talk about.
By the way my simple formula for Groupthink goes as follows:
Emotions x Ideology / Intellect.
Emotions as expressed by feelings, desires, wants, etc.
Ideology as expressed by belief sets, confirmation biases, religious affiliations, etc.
Intellect as expressed by IQ, common sense, rational thinking, etc.
The global approach to handling our 2020/21 Covid-19 contagion is being mismanaged primarily because of Groupthink. Let me explain what I mean by that statement. Politicians seized on the outbreak of the Covid-19 curse as an opportunity to ramp up the emotions of all their electors. They used fear of the unknown to ensure that they controlled the Covid-19 narrative and once dumb politicians controlled the message they also controlled their electorates. Then various segments of the electorate set about a further unethical grab for power as they introduced their brand of ideology into all the Covid-19 conversation. They closed schools even though the kids were never at great risk from this virus. This single success gave them control of the ideological battle field [collectivism soon began to dominate family values]. In turn... This led to new government spending regimes based on emotions and ideology not on rational economics.
However.... All those developments may not have turned out so bad if a modicum of intellect had been injected into the response we got from those in power. We needed some common sense, rational thinking, and high IQ science to prevail. Instead we got mob rule, anarchy, dumbness, cowardice, and fear mongering at the frontline of the battle.
By the middle of 2020 there was a new battle in play - the war against Group think. And history shows that Groupthink won. Group think spread swiftly. Group think became virtually unstoppable. Group think began to rampage across the world. Of course in May 2021 the Covid-19 virus is still hanging around and we can fully expect this virus to hang about for a bit longer. BUT... The more damaging, and long lasting, virus is Group think. It is here, there, and everywhere. It afflicts everyone from the ages of 3 to 103. Group think is so dangerous because it imposes high degrees of incompetence, irrational thinking, mimicking, cowardice, dumb actions, etc on all of us.
Group think is truly the major curse of our times.