When the Internet first arrived to serve us we expected a new era of individualism; however the complete opposite became a built-in certainty [see photo].
Groupthink dominates the Internet today because this technology creates clusters of like mindedness. You are more likely to be "liked" on the Internet if you think like them. Them can be the coders of the platform you choose to use. Them can be the users you choose to "hang with". Them can be the government you voted for and support online. Them can be.... Them is those who think, act, and believe as you do.
Groupthink is a state of mind that pervades the Internet. It is a ticket to ride a network of "sameness" that produces collectivism. The sameness that messages kids about the threat of climate change until they are a quivering mess. The sameness that has everyone believe Putin is evil [he probably is] and Zelensky is goodness personified [he most assuredly is not]. The sameness that has denounces the family unit, nullifies gender differentiation, puts bans on freedom of speech, removes governance for the people and by the people, etc. The sameness that promotes lies over truths and corruption over integrity. The sameness that has young men become lost souls swirling around in a cocktail of drugs; lash out with bouts of agitated violence against others and themselves; and run from the fact they are cast as social deviants, misfits, and pariahs.
Groupthink spread via the Internet leads to social entropy. The sign that social entropy has taken hold is emergent patterns of "sameness" over here, over there, and everywhere.