The symbol of our times is failure, depression, and rot [see photo]. Clearly this particular cycle of failure swept across the globe on the wings of Covid-19. Failure was entrenched by those bureaucrats who used totalitarian tactics to enslave their neighbours in masks, stay-at-come mandates, and entrenched "group think". Therefore over the past two years failing and failure has become normalised. For many people failure has become a badge of honor as they continue to fail upwards and thus get promoted not demoted.
Failing is a habit that begins with sloppy thinking. Sloppy thinking informs habits which practice failing; but it is important to note that this ineptness is embraced by a belief set. Thus the pathway to failure is to think, act, and believe in ways that produce more and more entropy into successful systems. And the pathway to failing starts with "group think". This leads people to elevate collective wants above individual needs and this leads to a habitual set of behaviours. But there must be a backstop to "groupthink" and the propagation of "collective wants". Today that backstop is a belief set which dominates a community, a nation state, and a global entity. Clearly that is what has happened to our world.
The real impact of this failure culture is felt acutely by individuals. In 2022 this impact falls most forcibly on young males. Young men thrive as individuals and this lifestyle is being denied to them. This generation of young men suffer from depression, a sense of being broken, a life that is unwanted by their collectives, and a future that is deemed to be insignificant. Therefore many young men will die at their own hands. Many young men become anti-social agents and commit crimes against themselves [suicide] and others [familial]. These young men are the flotsum-and-jetsum of a culture of failing and failure.
The failing habit is evident today on the streets of Kiev. The failing habit is evident in the global inflation rate. The failing habit is evident in the mass allegiance to a belief in tactical solutions to energy issues through a narrative [The Great Reset] and yet there is no strategic context to guide it. The failing habit is backed by all those actors who profit from the fact that it exists. The failing habit destroys the individualism that formerly maintained Western Culture. Western Culture is imploding under the pressures of deliberate and purposeful energy from those who advocate the premise that The Great Reset will deliver us [some more than others] into the promised land of "equal outcomes" in life.
The next decade will be a battle between those who gain from "the failing habit" and those who do not [young men and all competent individuals]. Perhaps the Ukraine War will prove an important turning point for those who will ultimately reject the notion "you will own nothing and you will be happy" [the mantra of those those who gather in Davos each year to progress The Great Reset]. Young men [aged 15 to 45] are most likely not "happy" with their current lives and so they will eventually lead the resistance to the habit of failing. They will separate themselves from the "group think" of our times, reject narratives that classify them as toxic entities, create mind silos that produce success [Elon Musk type enterprises], and find ways to return to [or create] beliefs sets that underline their faith in spiritual and religious freedom. These young people will eventually colonise Mars and thus offer some humans a viable escape hatch from the close systems that will likely dominate our world through to the end of C21st. Life on Mars will be a mind-based enterprise and as such will it produce a rapid mutation away from what has become the stagnant elements of social evolution on Earth. But until young men, and their female partners, can leave Earth for Mars "the habit of failing" will continue to instil a social culture of "sameness" on our planet.