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Escape "The Matrix"...

"This is not a car"...

You can escape The Matrix [conformity being imposed on us all by the Collective West as per masks, lockdowns, ideological imperatives, war in Ukraine, etc].

Minimalism is an algorithm for a better life. But. Minimalism is not for everyone. It is for those who need a new mindset to survive.

Your 'mind' is what you use to dream. It is what you use to protect you against toxic people. It is what you need to 'imagine' a viable, robust, and purposeful future. It is what you will retreat into when you face change in your environs.

Why is minimalism a T-model mindset for the C21st?

Just like the T-model this mindful-state is spartan, simple, and effective [see photo]. What makes this so? At its core minimalism is the practice of placing needs before wants. Needs are elastic [not static] so these will be different for each person - it is important to NOTE that there is no uniformity, or conformity, attached to MINIMALISM.

Perhaps, this is the most difficult notion of minimalism to grasp. So to help you do that it may be useful say a little about the nature of wants. Wants are generated by 'others' not by 'you'. The saying - "keeping up with the Jones" is a simplistic way to think about what your 'wants' are and where they come from. Wants are imported from the environment whereas needs are homegrown in your mind.


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