Last Century I attended many events that celebrated Earth day. But this year I would not be seen dead at such an event. Like so much today all the good elements of Earth day have been expelled to expose what it was really all about all along [since 1986]. If the promoters of Earth day were really honest with us they would rename it Ideology day [see photo].
Honesty is as rare as rocking-horse poop today. A sign of our times is the fact that Goggle, and all their friends, are going hard in celebrating Earth day in the usual way. Their mantra is "scare the folks". These Earth day advocates continue to over-dramatize the impact of rising temperatures around the globe. I accept that temperatures are rising and are impacting the planet we all live on. However this is the question bouncing around inside my head. Is global warming an overwhelming threat to life on Earth as we know it?
The ideologues who celebrate Earth day [not you of course] tend to be on a rage as they drive changes to the way humans live, work, socialise, and evolve on our planet. The Build Back Better [BBB] plan aims first to reduce the living standards of all humans on this planet. Once these folks have achieved higher and higher levels of poverty the BBB plan envisions that green energy industries will arise magically to ensure that all of us punters have a great green job and our kids live in a world that is environmentally sound. In many respects this comes from the early agenda of Petra Kelly, and her German Greens, who focussed on issues such as "acid rain" in the Black Forest but opposed the use of nuclear power. She led to actions that fixed most of the "acid rain" issues. But other issues that could have been fixed with the application of nuclear power have languished.
Trust you have a great Ideological day and as a result you feel better about your future.