If your answer is YES then you are probably a young man [aged 15 to 30]. But why is this so?
Young men are individuals who are forced to live inside collectives. Thus they are a total mismatch, or a very bad fit, with their times. Those who live best inside the closing walls of the collective [think of Canada] live by the creed "go along to get along". These men end up living in a world of unrelenting "sameness" - not a world of "saneness". In this bizarre world of "sameness" there is clear-and-present hostility toward difference, defiance, deviance, etc. In this world of "sameness" the willpower of the individual is rendered mute. In this world of "sameness" the individual must be humiliated, denounced, dehumanised, silenced, etc.
Young men are individuals therefore they are an obvious target for the collectives. the feminist collective refer to "toxic masculinity". The racist collective use "white supremacists" as a pejorative slur even while tagging non-whites. The ruling collective refer to them as "insurgents". The familial call them "deviants". And so on and so on. There is no safe space for young men to grow, and to prosper, inside modern societies. There is no secure space for them to experiment with the notion of being a man in a "non-binary" [they/them] world. There is no mental space for those who seek to become "special" in a world of "sameness".
Young men are living in an era of intolerance of masculinity. An era when the male leaders of nation states are cowards, liars, cheats, and patently not worthy of respect or admiration. An era when young men slide into a world of video games, pornographic viewing habits, fight club mentalities, self-harm addictions, etc. These young men have a multitudes of reasons to hate the lives they live... But they do not have to become victims of this collective-driven world of "sameness" [see photo].