Each day I strive to create a combination of images, thoughts, and words [see photo]. The image creates the energy. The thoughts capture the disruption caused by the image. And the words frame a multi-layered message.
A droplet of water creating a splash serves as my image of minimalism. This exquisite image produces ripples inside a still mind. And [as a minimalist] I strive to sustain my still mind. Simply put... A still mind is the prerequisite for me to be creative. Therefore minimalism has become my counterpoint to the "perceived reality" projected by social media, corporations, governments, etc. Being a minimalist I am often cast as a participative outsider. .
My creative process begins with an image. The image is transformed into a pattern of thoughts. Those thought pattern are transcribed into words. All this means the future is an illusion, the past is a delusion, and the present is a mirage.
My personal sense of creativity is the water droplet which causes a splash in a still pond which results in ripples of change*. Most ripples are small. And yet each and every ripple continues to flow towards other minds which translate them into thoughts and then into words. Eventually even the most insignificant combinations of images, thoughts, and words will form a multi-layered message that reverberates across our universe.
My mind as a minimalist is developed on a unique sense of what I call minimal-you which, in turn, is based on individual needs not collective wants. For instruction on how to establish your sense of you: go to minimal-you.com and hit the "become a minimalist" button in the banner heading. This will take you to a payment scheme for a 10 day programme that will teach you how to design, enforce, and live with mind filters: these help you to be the best person you can be.
* Many thanks to my friend Tony [ A`toni Aツaz ] for his contribution to this notion through his creative vision of his own life as a pebble thrower who creates ripples of change.