Command and control management restricts options and choice [see photo].
Under this management system - control is retained by the centre and command is exercised at the extremities. Putting that another way... Control comes with built-in "group think" that is driven by the narrative of those who sit at the centre of the system. Command comes with a viral mantra [black lives matter, build back better, diversity-equity-inclusion, etc] that drives a mindset of change which can only be controlled by the centre.
This command and control management system is what has brought us to the brink of a new-age empire with an institutional centre [central banks, UN, global legislation, etc]. However. There is "a hidden rent" that must be paid to those in power [institutional bureaucrats] to ensure that they continue to rule what is nominally a chaotic system. The hidden rent today is "inflation", war [Ukraine], denial of individual rights, and so on. As the rent levied by the centre rises and rises and rises it eventually reaches a point where the centre begins to crumble. It crumbles because the rising costs of a central/global system becomes too great to justify its continuity. As the centre crumbles a power vacuum emerges.
Power vacuums have plagued the world in the past of course; however, there is not much to learn from them other than the fact that they tend to heap misery onto individuals in ways that are too often inhumane.