Britain has talent. However the nation also has an urgent need to hire new talent [see photo]. Sure not all of us live or work in Britain today; but, the issues being faced by those who do are either already in your community or heading your way.
What lies ahead for Britain? Huge state handouts. A totalitarian government which will make the lock down rulers look like kids at play. British people will be scared to "bite the hand that feeds them" and thus they will give up their individual rights like householders will give up candy to "trick or treat" kids who come door knocking on Halloween.
The British brand of the party in power will become irrelevant. The government will be "a handout mob" who rule like raiding gangs of Vikings. Health care will become a thing of the past; if you are young you might well live otherwise say goodbye. Violent crime will rule the streets of the British nation. Open borders will attract the most brutal criminals from all around the world. People will live at home [as they did during the Covid-19 lockdowns] because they refuse to go out on their criminal infested streets. And so on and so on...
The otherside of the story for those of you who live in Britain today includes these options. First... cut the sanctions on Russia and the associated support of the corrupt Zelensky regime. Second... cut taxes and the size of the public sector. Third... move some government departments out of London. Fourth... reform the Bank of England. Fifth... shame the peons who hide out in offices in "the City". And so on and so on...