There is a stark difference between being in the world and belonging in the world. Those who "belong" are connected to other people. Those who are "being" are connected to their minds. The decision to belong or to just be is taken very early in life and thereafter it never changes. And of course I am talking [in general terms] about a preferred state of existence in the world not one that any individual can sustain for 24hrs of every day [see photo]. We all have a need to belong. We all have a need to simply be.
I am not sure that the choice we each make on this matter is one made with free will. But. The decision we each make remains with us despite our power to exercise free will.
We have the luxury to choose how to take care of oneself. We can choose to belong to a tribe. We can choose to rely on the essence of self. And we can choose to mix and match these two in ways that make us a well rounded individual who can live with others in a rational and purposeful way.
The "being" state of mind tends to focus on an individual's needs. The "belonging" state of mind tends to focus on collective wants. The person who takes the "very best" from both those two states of mind lives as a minimalist.
Minimal-you is usually found through a simple process that transforms you. You can find your minimal-you if you engage the 10 day process available on this website. The transformation takes just 10 days but lasts for years. You will change your wants, habits and beliefs. You will expand your capacity to think, imagine, decide, and shape your life to best fit your needs. You can find your future by clicking on the minimal-you button on the homepage of this website. Thanks for your time Richard.