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Writer's pictureRichard Lipscombe


Updated: Aug 3, 2021

I am, you are, we are Australian.

Australia has a world famous image - the Sydney Opera House - but increasing the whole notion of being an Australian is an illusion [see photo].

There is huge hole in the bucket we call Australia. That hole is formed by the individuals who have gone missing. Australians are currently a "mob" [tribe, Clique, collective, or "group think" mass] who are ruled by incompetent people in government, media, and corporations.

The factual evidence that 2021 Australia is an illusion is clear when individuals are monstered if, and when, they decide not to get vaccinated, wear a mask outside, recoil in fear at the prospect of Climate Change, refuse to "go along to get along", reject individual liberty in favour of government, media, and workplace fascism, etc.

I may be wrong about what I am saying here because I left Australia seven years ago to live in Prague and so I currently view Australia as an outsider. However... I see is a collective mindset that values the group more than the individual and does this in the pursuit of "fairness". The noble notion of "fairness" is a problem because it distorts the meaning of merit, competence, excellence, and achievement. This 2021 brand of Australian "fairness" sees individuals who do not comply with the ludicrous dictates of State Governments on masks, etc being snitched on by their neighbours. That is some sort of crazy, right?

I urge courageous individuals who live in Australia today to "stand up" and to become a visible entity within their society before it is too late. If you courageous Australians do not stand up for the next generation then those kids will be ruled by the dictates of the CCP [China], the World Health Organisation, a power hungry Davos collective, the chaos within the United Nations Organisation, and a whole range of unhinged "fairness" entities.


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