Anti-vaxxers are caught in a Kafka-trap which asserts that you are guilty of something [not clearly defined] because you refuse to admit you have committed a crime. In Kafka terms the vaccination solution to Covid-19 has become the universal solution to a problem that does not impact every individual because we are different to, and from, each other [see photo].
Anti-vaxxers are being branded as deviants, rogues, and misfits who must be squashed rather than tolerated. The most horrific, yet effective, attempt to squash anti-vaxxers - around the world - is the pending imposition of vaccine passports. A mind boggling Kafka-trap is set whenever a person who does not need a vaccination to freely mix with others is nevertheless forced to have an injection. For example, there are many millions of individuals who have had Covid-19 and therefore have built-up their own personal immunity to the virus. These people are denied their individual rights because the collective deems them to be deviants. Incidentally deviants are never acceptable to those who create, build, or manage collectives. In practice the anti-vaxxers are not, and never will be, immune to the totalitarian regimes which are hellbent on imposing vaccine passports on all of us.
I have had the first shot of a two injection programme of vaccination. I decided to be vaccinated because of my personal health profile. However... Given that I have been vaccinated means that I feel I am complying with the dictates of the mob and this fact haunts me. Meanwhile... There are many individuals who must make the opposite choice. Some individuals have reasonable and valid health reasons to become anti-vaxxers; and perhaps, there should be more of them not fewer given the known "side effects" of the vaccine.
Anti-vaxxers are being shamed by the mob - government bureaucrats, social media, newspapers, etc - because they are unwilling to accept the collective wants at the cost of ignoring their individual needs. This is a strange development given that those who choose not to have themselves, or their children, vaccinated have sensible and rational reasons for their decision. For instance, the long-term impact of vaccinations on individual children is unknown. And the short-term impact of vaccinations on individual adults is known and sometimes this can lead to death.
The mind of a minimalist is developed on a unique sense of you which, in turn, is based on individual needs not collective wants. For instruction on how to establish your sense of you: go to and hit the "become a minimalist" button in the banner heading. This will take you to a payment scheme for a 10 day programme that will teach you how to design, enforce, and live with mind filters: these help you to be the best person you can be.