Ask Alexa "what lies ahead of us?" The answer you get will surely be interesting but will it be helpful? I asked myself that question when I saw the photo [above] and here is my answer.
"People processes are about to be dis-intermediated. Jobs will go to those who bring customer value to their entity. HR units will be abolished, or outsourced, because the notion that employees are more valuable than customers will finally be viewed as pure nonsense. The AI automation process will be designed, built, sustained, updated, and recreated by a few exceptional people [Steve Jobs call home - ha, ha, ha]. These employees will be paid incredible amounts of money, bitcoin, gold, etc. They will form a new elite. Ideology will fade as a primary cause of social unrest.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the human population will be on benefits [a Universal Basic Income scheme, perhaps]. The new AI economy will be unlike anything we have seen before. It will be dynamic. It will be powered by Nuclear Power [level IV reactors]. It will be served by fast and efficient social networks. It will be......"